Are You Ready For The Most Astrologically Powerful Day Of 2022?

As much as we love the natural world around us at Happy Valley Norfolk, we also absolutely love everything about our universe and astrology, because it has such an impact on our lives on Earth. Every year on the 8th of August, the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all align to form what is widely known as The Lion’s Gate Portal. It's a hugely significant astrological phenomenon that provides an opportunity to manifest more abundance than you could ever imagine. Are you curious to learn more about what this means for you? Here's an insight into the Lion's Gate portal and how to use its powerful energy.

The Power Of The Number 8

In numerology and astrology, the number 8 is a powerhouse. It stands out most in terms of the houses and signs of the zodiac and it acts as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms. There is no wonder why the 8th day of the 8th month is so super powerful. The date opens up an enchanting spiritual window for all zodiac signs to set intentions, embrace abundance, and create new beginnings. Just imagine all you’ve been manifesting put under a magnifying glass by the universe… prepare yourself for a bit of a blastoff. So what could you do to make the most of it?

Lean Into Your Inner Leo (Whatever Your Sign May Be)

This fire-ruled sign is known for confidence and courage just like a lion. Leo season allows us to feed our passions, live loudly and unapologetically, and fan the flame of our desires. It's also the season of celebration, so do things that make you feel your best and celebrate yourself! Whether in self-care, dancing around, meditating or exercising; whatever makes you feel good about yourself, do it! In order for you to get the most out of this divine time, feeling good and letting go of your doubts are key.

Remind Yourself You Deserve Your Desires & Let Go Of Your Doubts

A massive factor in manifesting and spiritual growth is having faith in yourself and having faith in what is on its way to you. We all deserve abundance and the universe is brimming with it for absolutely everyone, it just needs you to open your door and welcome that abundance into your life. For you to get the most out of this divine time, feeling good and letting go of your doubts are key. Because when we feel good, we let out high vibrational vibes and guess what - the universe returns us with more situations to feel great about and during The Lions Gate Portal - those vibes are multiplied even more so.

Set The Bar High For Your Intentions & Prepare For Big Shifts

Sirius is well known for being the brightest star in the night sky (twice the size of our sun) and is considered to be the sun of the spiritual world. It will be at its most powerful this Monday, with its highest vibrational energy pushing on our manifestations, awakenings and growth. Take a moment alone when you are relaxed to write down your manifestations; I like to do this after a relaxing bath or a long walk, so that I have refreshed mindset. As you jot down your desires for what you want to bring into your life, try to visualise them. Visualisation can be a great tool to get over your manifesting blocks and can help us focus on positive things. What is your reaction when your intention manifests? With Leo's sun amplifying our passionate side and Sirius representing wealth and abundance, now is the time to dream BIG. Set your intentions high and prepare for some absolute magic in your life.

Practice Your Gratitude

Lastly but certainly still one of the most important; be filled with gratitude. Even if it’s the smallest thing you can find each day to be grateful for, focus on that feeling of appreciation and it will grow daily. The more we are thankful for the more the universe will give us to be thankful for. This practice is fantastic for our mental and physical health, it can also help us sleep better and improve our self-esteem. Do the things that make you happy to help your heart open and expand to a world of possibilities.

There is never a wrong time to practise appreciation, lean into love or focus on anything you want to manifest. However, in the instance of the August 8 Lion's Gate portal, it's possible that your endeavours may be enhanced beyond your wildest expectations.

At Happy Valley Norfolk we love to welcome those into our whimsical woodland looking for a space for yoga retreats, forest bathing and spiritual groups. The woodland is full of energy throughout the year whatever the season may be, each brings its own divine forces, moon phases and uniqueness. To get in touch please email us via the contact information on this website.

Our whimsical woodland and Willow Island are a dreamland, for harnessing the powers of the Earth and the universe

Something wonderful and magical is about to happen - are you ready?

Manifesting and cleansing our crystals with the power of nature at Happy Valley

A Summers Escape For Couples

Norfolk is a fantastic place to get the first taste of summer, and it's even better for couples at this time of year. June and July make great months for romantic getaways because it’s the time of year you can escape before school holidays and before a season of social events go into full swing. In this tranquillity, you can disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with each other. Happy Valley Norfolk could be your answer for a unique first getaway for you and your loved one or a spontaneous change from jetting abroad for those looking for something different. Premarital couples can strengthen their foundation as they prepare for marriage, and long-term couples take their relationship to the next level - all with the help of a little nature.

Our gorgeous bell tents are now available to book. Great for couples looking for a luxe glamping experience in a whimsical woodland.

The great thing about nature is that it’s more than what meets the eye, especially when it comes to couples. By unplugging ourselves from our daily lifestyles, stresses and technology and immersing ourselves in nature, we have precious time to focus one on one - mind, body, and spirit. No distractions, just peace, bonding and strengthening. Studies have shown over the years that time spent in nature reduces anxiety, blood flow improves and also your mood improves. This being said, it’s not only good for bringing us closer it’s also vital for our health. It's almost magical how a couple can become closer and enjoy each other's company more with a little help from Mother Nature.

Woodland and wildlife greet you just outside each cabin and bell tent door. Three of our cabins also have their own private luxury hot tubs, making your stay at our retreat even more special. We are set in 9 acres of woodland and there are an extra 200 acres of woodland adjoining Happy Valley, meaning that there is plenty to explore with your partner without even leaving our retreat. In addition to all of our romantic getaway guests, we have witnessed so many gorgeous marital proposals and woodland weddings throughout the years. We are truly blessed with a retreat constantly filled with love. To book your romantic getaway at Happy Valley Norfolk, head over to the “Glamping” section of our website.

5 Ways To Welcome Spring Into Your Home

Finally, we are in March which means one thing - first day of Spring is this month! We are on the cusp of nature being reborn, with all its glorious blooms and greenery. The sunshine is that little bit warmer, the days get longer and we get to do all those things we have waited so long for. Spring makes us feel inspired and invigorated, so there is no wonder that we all feel so excited. Now is a great time to put those feelings into action and get our homes ready to welcome in the season.

1.) Have a big spring clean

Make room for all that’s new and have a good old traditional spring clean, to get us motivated and organised. Cleaning doesn’t need to be boring at all, open those windows for some fresh air and put on your favourite playlist. You can make a checklist, get the family involved in a friendly competition and even set rewards for the evening when it’s all done.

2.) Freshen up your style

Whether home or wardrobe, the wait is over for re-introducing those gorgeous floral prints and brighter colours. We are seeing the very fashionable olive green this winter being replaced with lime greens already, from the catwalk to home decor. Spiritually, this colour signifies creativity and luck, making it a great colour for this spring.

3.) Bring on the botanics

Speaking of green hues, it’s possibly the best time of the year for gardening. Now is a good time to get your shrubs pruned and the garden cleaned, ready for planting for when Spring officially arrives. If you are looking to bring Mother Nature indoors, peace lilies and orchids are both beautiful, low maintenance additions, that will bring to your home.

4.) Switch up the scents

Those wondrous musky toned candles were perfect for the winter months, but now it’s time to invigorate the senses with fresh florals and zesty fragrances. Did you know that a fresh cut lemon placed next to your bed has been proven to help improve your stress levels, air quality and sleep? And all while making your room smell deliciously clean.

5.) Bring life back to meal times

After months of hearty meals and hot beverages, Springtide welcomes back its tasty seasonal ingredients like asparagus, courgettes and radishes. We love the sound of the mouthwatering recipe we’ve found ‘One Pan Salmon with Roast Asparagus” and can’t wait to try it out. What are your favourite meals in Spring? Let us know down below in the comments.

Autumn at Happy Valley

The beauty transforms through colour and this time of year is rather special at Happy Valley. The mix of trees in the forest make for the most splendid colour display and you can experience Nature therapy at it’s best.

The evidence is forever mounting that being immersed in Nature has huge health benefits and it’s not hard to see why. Experiencing the forest, embracing the seasons and getting outside with your loved ones is why the guests at Happy Valley keep on returning.

Autumn Feels
Winter Glamping
Winter Glamping in Norfolk
sunset at the treehouse

Norfolk Sunsets are hard rivalled and you get the very best views at Toad Hall.

Hot Tub Glamping in Norfolk

What our Guests Say -

Very grateful to have received this award for the 9th time in a row. Lucky to be blessed with some amazing guests who all love Happy Valley as much as we do. #HonestHosting

Very grateful to have received this award for the 9th time in a row. Lucky to be blessed with some amazing guests who all love Happy Valley as much as we do. #HonestHosting


Connecting in Nature

A couple weeks later than planned but here's a wee blog I did on our Nature Walk around Happy Valley.

Today reminded me how beautiful Autumn is at Happy Valley. Annie and I went on a mini adventure complete with minion backpack to collect our treasures from which we were to create a masterpiece. Feelers out! Whats about!

Mini Adventure Glamping Norfolk
rural escape glamping norfolk

It wasn't long before we stopped to take a picture of the hedge. Yes the hedge, bursting with beauty. The wild berries and ivy waterfalls. Purples, pinks, yellows, who knew hedges could be so beautiful and fruitful. The bracken showing us that Autumn is here and blackberries providing a welcome snack..

autumn glamping 2017 norfolk
We thought this looked like an Ivy Waterfall.

We thought this looked like an Ivy Waterfall.

I couldn't tell you what this wonderful pink sea urchin looking plant is. Can you?  Nature therapy worked it's magic and we were in a little heaven of our own. 

Tire swings, hammocks and Den building throughout the woods at Happy Valley.

Tire swings, hammocks and Den building throughout the woods at Happy Valley.

nature meditation norfolk
Awesome Earth

Awesome Earth

nature walk finds Norfolk Happy Valley

So we sat down and created this for Nanas Birthday Present. 

Sometimes it can be a struggle to get out of the house, especially if the weather isn't ideal or spirits are low. But i've come to realise that as soon as we're out exploring then the therapy starts. It's incredible how just being outside, beauty is everywhere. In abundance. It almost instantly makes me feel better and the benefits are huge for all the family. It's free and it's accessible. 

Very Grateful for this day.