A couple weeks later than planned but here's a wee blog I did on our Nature Walk around Happy Valley.
Today reminded me how beautiful Autumn is at Happy Valley. Annie and I went on a mini adventure complete with minion backpack to collect our treasures from which we were to create a masterpiece. Feelers out! Whats about!
It wasn't long before we stopped to take a picture of the hedge. Yes the hedge, bursting with beauty. The wild berries and ivy waterfalls. Purples, pinks, yellows, who knew hedges could be so beautiful and fruitful. The bracken showing us that Autumn is here and blackberries providing a welcome snack..
We thought this looked like an Ivy Waterfall.
I couldn't tell you what this wonderful pink sea urchin looking plant is. Can you? Nature therapy worked it's magic and we were in a little heaven of our own.
Tire swings, hammocks and Den building throughout the woods at Happy Valley.
Awesome Earth
So we sat down and created this for Nanas Birthday Present.
Sometimes it can be a struggle to get out of the house, especially if the weather isn't ideal or spirits are low. But i've come to realise that as soon as we're out exploring then the therapy starts. It's incredible how just being outside, beauty is everywhere. In abundance. It almost instantly makes me feel better and the benefits are huge for all the family. It's free and it's accessible.
Very Grateful for this day.