Wow! What a blast our Pre-Loved Pop-Up Market was on Sunday the 23rd March 2025.
With over 25 stalls all set up, the cars started rolling in and a steady stream of sustainable shoppers through the door all day we couldn’t have been happier. It’s such a pleasure to be a part of the secondhand movement that is only going to get bigger as we consumers become more aware of our impact on the planet. Before we recap the amazing day we had, if you are interested in booking on to our NEXT market and experiencing the thrill of thrifting secondhand treasures, then please fill out this form to register your interest.
Pic by Alex from Wildkin Weddings
The day began with stallholders setting up their treasures, and so the Happy Valley team got a sneak peek at all the wonderful bargains that were on offer! Tea, coffee and cake sales were setting up in The Hay Barn lean to whilst stallholders set up in The Dutch Barn, The Cattleyard Covered Area and The Hay Barn. We even had delicious Hawaiian inspired Poke Bowls by the talented Pokenom Adventures serving in the Cattle Yard Courtyard. The atmosphere was buzzing, the sun was giving us a flash of spring and we waited for the first shoppers to arrive with great anticipation.
11am came and went and shoppers were piling in to see the stalls and their wares, coffee and cake in aid of the Men’s Shed was flying out the door, the Marshall Bar was full and the Happy Valley Team were spying bargains everywhere.
The community spirit was high and we were so blessed to have so many wonderful sellers with us from the locality; from gorgeous future Happy Valley bride Georgina with her vintage and roll end fabrics, yarns and haberdashery, Vintage Designer from Wardys Vintage, Beautiful Summer dresses and accessories from The Vintage Hippy, Heather from local business Kip McGrath selling her gorgeous hand made jewellery, Antiques from Dawns Emporium, Lonestar jack selling vintage clothing, seasonal decor, and pre loved, vintage gems and furniture, Sue Bunting (Going to Grandmas) selling lots of handmade knits, repurposed designs to super stylish mummy Milllie, Harriet, Angela and Lucy Masons incredible vintage and secondhand clothing, we even had Brancaster Vodka join us with a rail of timeless classics from the best designers and not forgetting local Norwich based Designer Pre Loved by Penny there was something for everyone under one eclectic roof! As well as crafts and clothes we were treated to designer children’s clothes at incredible prices, toys and books, antique collectibles, men’s streetwear, vintage handbags, homeware and more.
Whilst we’re so excited about the next pre-loved market, we are also busy planning for The Wilderness Wedding Fair on the 12th October 2025 and we need YOU our pre-loved wonder sellers to help make the event exceptional. Do you have a pre-loved Mother of the Bride outfit that it’s time to part with? Perhaps you have a few bridesmaid dresses (new or vintage) or even a wedding dress that needs a new home? It doesn’t have to be a modern wedding dress. With a growing trend for vintage weddings on the horizon we are keen to showcase all sorts of wedding outfits - from Art Deco to the Swinging Sixties! If that sounds like you and you’d like to be part of our Wilderness Wedding Fair then please fill out this form.