There’s no better time to grab your attention than when we’re on an enforced, three week lock-down and in need of distraction so we felt it was high time to tell you a story:
A grandfather sat his grandson down and decided to impart some words of wisdom.
“A fight is going on inside of me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents darkness - he is regret, anger, sorrow, selfishness and self-pity and everything negative in the world.”
The grandfather looked at his captivated grandson, took a breath and continued, “The other wolf represents the light - he is peace, hope, understanding, compassion and faith and everything positive in the world. We all have the same two wolves fighting within us.”
The grandson, a fan of everything to do with war and battles turns to his grandfather and says, “which wolf will win?”.
The wise, old man simply replied, “The one you feed.”
What do wolves have to do with weddings?
During this time of uncertainty, there are understandably a lot of emotions running high and these are valid and necessary feelings for us all to be having.
Each of us is fighting an internal battle between wanting to help our neighbours, friends, family and local businesses and at the same time worrying about what it might mean for our own finances, health or future happiness. We all want to be kind and understanding but we also all have fear and frustration.
Is our advice to feed the positive wolf and let the negative wolf starve? No, it would be an impossibility. They’re both there and they both have to eat. What we can do, is acknowledge that whilst we are having to face great disappointments and insecurity, we can also show the capacity for compassion and forbearance. The beauty of humanity is often found in the grey areas where despite the doubt and fear, we surprise ourselves with our own strength and resilience.
So, if each wolf is being fed at a time where food is being rationed and supermarkets are in short supply, who gets what?
That part is down to us but how we respond and which wolf we feed the most will define how we are viewed when this chaos is over. Our time in the grey area is now and our actions will show which wolf ate all the metaphorical pies.
Even though you’re justifiably worried about your future wedding plans, there are still ways we can lift each other up. Here at Happy Valley, we invite you to look at the following acts of kindness to show your wedding suppliers some support:
If you’re pleased with the service you’ve received during this difficult time, consider leaving a positive review on their website. If you’re not, perhaps take into account unprecedented stress?
Like, comment and share posts. Why not shine a light on some suppliers in need of encouragement?
Make future reservations. For most suppliers, it’s not just the next few months that are of concern but their whole calendar year - show them some light at the end of the tunnel.
At Happy Valley, we hope you feel our negative wolves have been put on a strict diet of kale and lentils (not least because stress represses the immune system and we need to stay healthy right now!) and our positive wolves have been given the full, fine-dining experience.
We would like to thank our 2020 couples for their thoughtfulness and appreciation and are excited to give you the happy ending you all so deserve.
With love,
Katy, Kirsty and the team at Happy Valley xx
01485 600 719
Instagram - @HappyValleyNorfolk
Facebook - Happy Valley Norfolk
Memories of happier times. A woodland wedding photoshoot at Happy Valley.